Crossword puzzle for June 3, 2023

1. At a distance
5. Snakes
9. Runs in neutral
14. Arid
15. Sea eagle
16. Approaches
17. Crude
19. Radium discoverer
20. Escargot
21. Tricks
23. Arouse
25. Desist
28. Frozen water
29. Armed conflict
32. Announcement
33. Grassland
34. Prospector's find
35. Metal used in steel
36. Small trout-like fish
38. Colored part of the eye
39. Melody
40. Top
41. Compensate for
43. East northeast
44. Rodent
45. Type of fungus
46. Furculae of domestic fowl
48. Plugs
50. American symbol
54. Hold tightly
55. Artificial lake
57. Ear-related
58. Adolescent
59. Terminates
60. Pilotless plane
61. Probabilities
62. Repose
1. Cobras
2. Nonflowering plant
3. Diva's solo
4. Paying
5. Wager
6. Beginning
7. Blacksmith's block
8. More proper
9. Instigate
10. Two
11. Songbird
12. Greek goddess of discord
13. South southeast
18. Of a pelvic bone
22. Coconut confection
24. Pin for a man
25. Licoricelike flavor
26. The real fifth element
27. Rock
29. Most bad
30. Farewell
31. Pauses
33. Young boy
34. Lifeguard
37. Until now
42. Fugitive
44. Undulate
45. Browbeat
46. Adult female person
47. Variety (plant or animal)
48. Aspersion
49. Tropical root
51. Departed
52. Anagram of "Slid"
53. Once, long ago
54. Bounder
56. N N N

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