Crossword puzzle for June 8, 2023

1. Fate
6. Outbuilding
10. Glance over
14. Electronic letter
15. Fat cut of tuna (Japanese)
16. Tropical root
17. British penny
18. Freshwater mussel
19. Computer symbol
20. Hybridize
22. Hardly believable
23. Anagram of "Stag"
24. Financially solvent
26. Stinging remark
30. Mesh
31. Cotillion girl
32. Utiliser
33. Delights
35. A long narrow passage
39. Go-between
41. Type of warship
43. Insignia
44. Certain
46. Russian monarch
47. Skirt's edge
49. Henpeck
50. Female chickens
51. Against
54. Majestic
56. Component of steel
57. Classical music compositions
63. Split
64. French for "Quick"
65. Invoke misfortune
66. C C C
67. Always
68. Overweight
69. L L L L
70. Focusing glass
71. Donkeys
1. Visored cap
2. Ends a prayer
3. Tirade
4. Rodents
5. Ready for anything
6. Large primitive fishes
7. Frankness
8. A Great Lake
9. Thingamajig
10. Miscarriage
11. Chocolate source
12. Fragrance
13. 9 person musical group
21. A stringed instrument
25. Foreboding
26. Onion or tulip or light
27. Largest continent
28. Anagram of "Dear"
29. Luminance
34. Fighters
36. Extent
37. Not fatty
38. Makes a mistake
40. Fortune teller
42. Auspices
45. Not consumed
48. Be amazed
51. Sorceress
52. Bay window
53. Unique
55. Chocolate
58. Bee home
59. Adds sound
60. Angers
61. Being
62. Notices

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for June 2023

Last modified: June 7, 2023. Copyright 2023 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.