Crossword puzzle for June 22, 2023

1. Majestic
6. Plummet
10. Unit of land
14. Love intensely
15. Overhaul
16. Darling
17. Respond
18. Anagram of "Sage"
19. Indonesian island
20. Devotee
22. Applications
23. Breathe hard
24. Ancient ascetic
26. European volcano
30. Make lace
31. Decay
32. Baby's bed
33. Food thickener
35. A city in Nebraska
39. A perfumed liquid
41. Went in
43. Swelling
44. Couch
46. Geek
47. Hotel
49. Sleeping platform
50. Chits
51. Immerse
54. A Great Lake
56. Wife of Zeus
57. Relating to an allergen
63. Leave out
64. Devastation
65. Avoid
66. Pitch
67. Not first
68. Days in a week
69. Anagram of "Nose"
70. Guffaws
71. Delicacy
1. Scarce
2. Biblical garden
3. Caprine animal
4. Flatfoot's lack
5. Abatement
6. Watersheds
7. Yachting event
8. Lyric poems
9. Placard
10. Adaptation
11. Stop
12. Talking bird of poetry
13. Delete
21. Devil
25. Lampblack
26. Behold, in old Rome
27. Stepped
28. Egyptian river
29. Abhors
34. Antecedents
36. Environs
37. Parsley or sage
38. Combines
40. Crowd
42. Low point
45. A stone pillar
48. Almost
51. Picture
52. Tart yellow fruit
53. Liquid bodily waste
55. Cast out
58. Outdoor party
59. Always
60. Pew area
61. Concept
62. Penny

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for June 2023

Last modified: June 21, 2023. Copyright 2023 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.