Crossword puzzle for September 14, 2023

1. Marsh bird
6. Type of cheese
10. Harvest
14. Above a baritone
15. Adjacent
16. Therefore
17. Consumed
18. Completed
19. Colored part of the eye
20. Guarding
22. Units of 2000 pounds
23. Outbuilding
24. Come forth
26. Upper limbs
30. Anger
31. Dung beetle
32. Platter
33. Adriatic resort
35. Greens with dressing
39. Biting
41. Hobby
43. Happen again
44. Dazzles
46. A Great Lake
47. Browning of skin
49. Paintings
50. Fathers
51. Small swimsuit
54. Marsh plant
56. Distinctive flair
57. Bowed stringed instrument
63. Your majesty
64. Make a sweater
65. Review
66. Domestic
67. European volcano
68. Audacity
69. Cicatrix
70. Cuts lumber
71. Horse
1. Stair
2. Close
3. Put ____ words
4. He writes in stanzas
5. Anagram of "Sneer"
6. Highly specialized knowledge
7. Disunited
8. Gulf port
9. Joined
10. Restated
11. Mistake
12. Growing old
13. Sheriff's group
21. Ground beef with peppery powder
25. Tiny leafy-stemmed flowerless plants
26. Jewish month
27. Oriental grain
28. Millisecond
29. Voting inspector (Brit.)
34. Short amusing operas
36. Former Italian currency
37. In the center of
38. D D D
40. Fiber source
42. Daisylike bloom
45. Admonition
48. 5 cent coin
51. Beats
52. Of a pelvic bone
53. Fate
55. Fixes socks
58. Aware of
59. Borscht vegetable
60. Unit of land
61. Rescue
62. Didn't dillydally

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for September 2023

Last modified: September 13, 2023. Copyright 2023 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.