Crossword puzzle for November 16, 2023

1. Brisling
6. Out of harm's way
10. Scarce
14. Companionless
15. Duty
16. Black, in poetry
17. Hearsay
18. Strong cleaners
19. Jeer
20. Unfeeling
22. Ancient Dead Sea kingdom
23. Prefix meaning "Within"
24. 90
26. Faucets
30. Additionally
31. An uncle
32. Court order
33. Lock openers
35. Newspapers
39. Gives in
41. Layered dish
43. Contour
44. Didn't dillydally
46. Tight
47. Unhappy
49. Light Emitting Diode
50. Border
51. Small swimsuit
54. Ukeleles
56. Freudian topics
57. Esteem
63. Thin strip
64. Hardly believable
65. Immense
66. Lacquered metalware
67. Lyric poems
68. Long-legged wading marsh bird
69. Fly high
70. An international trade treaty
71. Twisty turns
1. Indian dress
2. A dark bluish-red color
3. Cavort
4. Dwarf buffalo
5. Brusque
6. Substantiality
7. Any person
8. Propellant
9. Ancient ascetic
10. Rejuvenate
11. Put up with
12. Android
13. Foe
21. Asp or viper
25. Little devils
26. It was
27. Flatfoot's lack
28. Typewriter type
29. Daughter of a step-parent
34. In a most smooth manner
36. Mild expletive
37. Cozy
38. Fill to excess
40. College bigwig
42. Type of viper
45. Drop sharply
48. Conversation
51. Beats
52. Snow house
53. Australian "bear"
55. Mud volcano
58. Baby's first word
59. Makes lace
60. Colored part of the eye
61. Look at flirtatiously
62. Trawling equipment

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for November 2023

Last modified: November 14, 2023. Copyright 2023 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.