Crossword puzzle for May 15, 2024

1. Eject
5. Weary
10. Carve in stone
14. Cans
15. Elicit
16. Not false
17. An outstanding feature
19. Despise
20. Snake-like fish
21. Gladden
22. Allied
23. Promises
25. Daughter of a sibling
27. What we breathe
28. Under pressure
31. Brainy
34. Bib
35. Word of possibility
36. Bee home
37. What we think with
38. Mend
39. Air hero
40. Blockish
41. Perception
42. Fort
44. US spy agency
45. Nymph chaser
46. Flawless
50. More than once
52. Ancient Roman magistrate
54. Type of snake
55. Hornswoggle
56. Prodigious
58. Coastal raptor
59. Extremely
60. Misfortunes
61. Where the sun sets
62. File
63. Constructed
1. Precipitous
2. Picture element
3. Parental brother
4. East southeast
5. Bank employee
6. Notions
7. Litter member
8. Quirky
9. D
10. High standards
11. Artisan
12. Adorable
13. Pay attention
18. In accordance with law
22. Observed
24. Challenge
26. Weightlifters pump this
28. Iberian country
29. Hearing organs
30. Physics unit
31. Carpet type
32. Isinglass
33. Intense dislikes
34. Botanical garden
37. Occupied
38. Unable to hear
40. Give as an example
41. Femme fatale
43. Tennis tool
44. Crunchy vegetable
46. Plays the bagpipes
47. Deadly virus
48. Was able to
49. Thigh armor
50. Believe or trust (Scottish)
51. Had on
53. Fool
56. South southeast
57. Faint

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