Crossword puzzle for May 30, 2024

1. Chairs
6. Fog
10. Overlook
14. Blatant
15. Flatfoot's lack
16. Inactive
17. Eagle's home
18. Big laugh
19. Not fatty
20. Agitprop
22. Territory
23. Percussion instrument
24. Pilings
26. Stitched
30. American Dental Association
31. Hog meat
32. Black-and-white cookie
33. Wine
35. Lawful
39. 15
41. Manufacturing plant
43. Daisylike bloom
44. Present
46. A Great Lake
47. Armed conflict
49. Small songbird
50. Scarlets
51. Inflict
54. Caustic
56. French for "Black"
57. Finely
63. Tallow source
64. Murres
65. Scoundrel
66. Engrave
67. Jacket
68. Genus of heath
69. Not we
70. Anagram of "Seen"
71. Writing tables
1. A cleansing agent
2. Always
3. Pertaining to flight
4. Voyage
5. Place
6. Raiding
7. A Marvel superhero
8. Cigarfish
9. Flail
10. 10 to the centimeter
11. Utopian
12. Bias
13. Dispatches
21. Tomb
25. After-bath powder
26. Couch
27. Greek goddess of discord
28. In weaving, warp and ____
29. Remarkable
34. Act in an official capacity
36. Pierce
37. Dry
38. Strong cleaners
40. Ages
42. Loft
45. Someone from Italy
48. Make smaller
51. A picture-in-picture
52. Oral cavity
53. Fragment
55. Took a chance
58. Anagram of "Sore"
59. Ripped
60. Sponsorship
61. Fortune
62. Affirmative votes

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for May 2024

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