Crossword puzzle for August 18, 2024

1. French for "State"
5. Passed with flying colors
9. Any minute
13. Clean
14. Rip up
16. Greek district
17. Otherwise
18. Gut feeling
19. Illustrated
20. Disdain
22. Small reed organs
24. Marsh plant
26. Lustrous fabric
27. Marsh plant
30. Astuteness
33. Feelings of deep regret
35. Chocolate source
37. Before, in poetry
38. Australian "bear"
41. Consumer Price Index
42. Birds have them
45. Ruination
48. High standards
51. Tops worn by women
52. Different
54. Fern clusters
55. Restaurant
59. Was aware of
62. Defeat decisively
63. Breezes
65. Dwarf buffalo
66. Noble
67. Affirmatives
68. Complain
69. Heavy cart
70. Dispatched
71. Shade trees
1. Flock members
2. After-bath powder
3. Variety
4. Thereunto
5. Fire residue
6. Pal
7. Sea eagles
8. Render unable to scratch
9. Postscripts
10. Detective ____ Wolfe
11. Portent
12. Current event facts
15. Hindu loincloth
21. Close
23. Platter
25. Frisbee
27. Ship workers
28. Eagle's home
29. Fifth sign of the zodiac
31. From time to time
32. A tree, leaf or syrup
34. Unhappy
36. Lubricates
39. Toss
40. Cobblers' tools
43. Spectral
44. Seats oneself
46. Cozy spot
47. Firebox
49. Requiring much chewing
50. One thing after another
53. Washer cycle
55. Engendered
56. Big laugh
57. Certain something
58. Biblical garden
60. Contemptible person
61. Short sleeps
64. Supersonic transport

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