Crossword puzzle for January 16, 2025

1. Utilizers
6. Stop
10. Pinnacle
14. Send, as payment
15. Double-reed woodwind
16. Comparison connector
17. Genus of heath
18. Lion's share
19. Canvas dwelling
20. Placenta
22. Anger
23. Religious offshoot
24. Newspaper bigwig
26. Dugout shelter
30. Cry of disgust
31. Poke fun at
32. Complain
33. Probabilities
35. Parental sisters
39. Collage
41. Tastes in art and manners
43. Bay window
44. Classify
46. Biblical garden
47. Burgle
49. Used in baseball
50. Exploit
51. Tire material
54. Type of duck
56. Anagram of "Ruse"
57. Drunk
63. Not female
64. Noble
65. Ceasefire
66. Look at flirtatiously
67. Three plus two
68. Sorceress
69. Marsh plant
70. Sleigh
71. Hell
1. Component used as fertilizer
2. Drudge
3. Broadcast
4. Oriental grain
5. Suns
6. Murders
7. Cut short
8. Misplaced
9. Leash
10. Ascribed
11. Swindle
12. Tropical fruit
13. Go inside
21. Confuse
25. Found on rotary phones
26. Ammunition
27. Rude person
28. Hindu princess
29. Hybridize
34. Moved hurriedly
36. Naked
37. Tall woody plant
38. Dispatch
40. Balm ingredient
42. Absolute
45. Witness
48. Legal filings
51. Hearsay
52. Utilization
53. Young lady
55. Sorceress
58. Type of fastener
59. Diva's solo
60. Feces
61. Behold, in old Rome
62. D D D

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